A fun Spargel Abend in beautiful weather at Nauthóll


On a beautiful April 30th, members of the German-Icelandic Chamber of Commerce and their guests celebrated spring with a Spargel Abend at Nauthóll. The event was a sold-out success.

The evening kicked off with a Jäger Mule aperitif enjoyed outside in the sunshine, courtesy of Ölgerðin, accompanied by jazz tunes from musicians Sölvi Kolbeinsson on saxophone and Sigmar Þór Matthíasson on double bass.

Helga Braga excelled as the master of ceremonies, sharing stories of her German ancestry and delighting the audience with her various German characters. Helgi Björnsson made a memorable entrance and performed many of his famous songs, accompanied by Stefán Magnússon.

Asparagus featured prominently on the evening's menu, adding to the festive atmosphere.

The photos capture the wonderful atmosphere at Nauthóll that night. More pictures can be viewed on the German-Icelandic Chamber of Commerce's Facebook page.

The board of the German-Icelandic Chamber of Commerce thanks all the guests for attending and is already looking forward to Spargel-Abend in the spring of 2025.

Photographer: Hulda Margrét Ólafsdóttir. Additional photos were taken by the staff of The Icelandic Bilateral Chambers.

Die Deutsche-Isländische Außenhandelskammer

Hús atvinnulífsins

Borgartúni 35

105 Reykjavík



+354 510 7100