Morgunfundur AMÍS, Fulbright og Sendiráðs Bandaríkjanna

Félögum Amerísk-íslenska viðskiptaráðsins er boðið til morgunfundar AMÍS, Fulbright og Sendiráðs Bandaríkjanna á Íslandi með Sachin Shetty, aðstoðarprófessor við Virginia Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation Center. 

Sachin Shetty mun flytja erindið "Showcasing Industry-Academia Partnership" ásamt því að deila af víðtækri reynslu sinni og þekkingu.

  • Dagur: 11. apríl n.k.
  • Tími: 8:30-10:00.
  • Fundarstjóri: Belinda Theriault, framkvæmdastjóri Fulbright-stofnunarinnar á Íslandi.
  • Tungumál: Enska.
  • Staður: Hús atvinnulífsins, Borgartúni 35, salurinn Kvika á 1. hæð.

Fundurinn er opinn en nauðsynlegt er að skrá sig hér.

At the meeting, Partnership with Department of Homeland Security, Department of Energy and Department of Defense will be used as an case for following:

  • Examples of collaboration with government (Department of Homeland Security, Department of Energy and Department of Defense)
  • ​Benefits of industry-academia collaboration
  • Industry relevance for the topic
  • Motivation for academia to conduct research
  • Challenges faced during the collaborative efforts
  • How we addressed the challenges.
  • Results of the collaboration 
  • Opportunities for University of Iceland to engage in similar collaboration. I have had discussions with the Computer Science department chair on this topic. I would like to share my views on how a similar partnership can be carried out in Iceland.

Um fyrirlesarann - Sachin Shetty
Sachin Shetty is an Associate Professor in the Virginia Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation Center and holds a joint appointment with the Department of Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Engineering at Old Dominion University. Sachin Shetty received Ph.D. in Modeling and Simulation from the Old Dominion University in 2007. Prior to joining Old Dominion University, he was an Associate Professor with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Tennessee State University. His research interests lie at the intersection of computer networking, network security, and machine learning. His research has been sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Air Office of Scientific Research, Air Force Research Lab, Office of Naval Research, Department of Homeland Security, and Boeing. He has published over 140 research articles in journals and conference proceedings and four books. He is the recipient of Fulbright Specialist Award, DHS Scientific Leadership Award and has been inducted in Tennessee State University’s million-dollar club.


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