BICC’s morning meeting with M Worldwide October 17

Dive into a power-packed morning with top transformation experts from M Worldwide, London and get inspired: Winning in a shifting Marketplace like the UK.
Don't miss these three quick fire dynamic presentations:
Consumer insights and trends that are driving change in forward-thinking businesses.
Evolving the customer experience to meet future challenges and opportunities.
Using example case studies where relevant we will share principles on how to engage B2C and B2B customers in physical spaces.
A ‘fireside chat’ on how M Worldwide's 20-year Icelandic/UK business relationships have been fuelled by a shared cultural synergy that delivers successful projects.
There will also be an opportunity for questions at the end of the session.
Stay ahead. Stay competitive.
Please register by clicking here.


Chamber of Commerce

Hús atvinnulífsins

Borgartúni 35, 5. hæð

105 Reykjavík


Managing director:

Stella Stefánsdóttir

+354 510 7100