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Tickets available for Iceland Business Forum 2022

The Iceland Business Forum 2022 will be held at Hilton Reykjavik Nordica on Friday 20 May. Doors open at 1 PM, programme starts at 1:30 PM. Click here to buy tickets.

This year’s Business Forum focuses on the workforce and workplaces. Why? Because change is happening. Something many have called “the great resignation.” Increasing number of workers is leaving their jobs and there are signs of decreased work participation. Data from McKinsey and others suggest that far more people are thinking of changing jobs than ever before, whether it’s in Europe or the US. At the same time, almost half of the leaders of Iceland’s 400 largest organizations believe that there will be a shortage of labour in the near future. This sure brings challenges, but various opportunities as well – if handled right.

At the Forum, we will look at workplaces, employees, employee turnover and manager’s attitudes. Do we need a new Human Resources approach? Is it possible that having fun at work is more important than ever before?


The keynote speaker is Dr. Alan Watkins, a physician who left medical practice 25 years ago to become a management coach. Today, a large number of consultants and coaches around the world work according to Watkins' methodology. Every day Alan and the Complete team are helping leaders in corporations all over the world as well as working with educators in schools, elite athletes and their coaches and politicians from right across the political spectrum.

Alan is a coach and confidant to many global leaders. He integrates a deep understanding of human development with his passion for human consciousness, emotional wellbeing, neurophysiology and applies it to a wide variety of organisational contexts with a range of clients.

As usual, the Chairman of the Chamber and Iceland’s Prime Minister will address the Forum. Iceland’s (probably) most joyful HR manager will be there, along with other speakers who will discuss human resources, management skills, the role of the education system and much more. At the end of the programme (around 4 PM), the Chamber invites guests to a long-awaited cocktail.


The programme at the Iceland Business Forum will be translated to English for those who request it. Ticket holders requesting an interpretation are asked to send an e-mail to

Ticket price

  • General ticket price: ISK 27,400
  • Members of the Chamber and/or the Bilateral Chambers (1-2 guests): ISK 18,900
  • Members of the Chamber and/or the Bilateral Chambers (3+ guests): ISK 16,900

Click here to buy tickets

The Iceland Chamber of Commerce has held the Iceland Business Forum since 1975. The Forum is one of the most attended gatherings within the Icelandic business community. You can read more about our annual Business Forum here.

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