Strong Interest in Public-Private Partnerships for Infrastructure Development

FRÍS extends its gratitude to all guests who attended the conference on infrastructure financing, hosted by Íslandsbanki and the French-Icelandic Chamber of Commerce on 4 March.

The strong turnout highlights the significant interest in public-private partnerships for financing infrastructure development.

The conference was held to mark the release of a new report by Íslandsbanki and Reykjavík Economics on public-private collaboration. Initiated by Íslandsbanki, the report aims to contribute to the ongoing dialogue among stakeholders on how such partnerships can drive progress and economic prosperity in Iceland. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE REPORT

For any inquiries regarding collaboration on infrastructure financing, FRÍS encourages you to contact Sölvi Sturluson (  at Íslandsbanki.

More photos from the event are available on the  FRIS Facebook page here.

Chambre de Commerce Franco-Islandaise

Hús atvinnulífsins

Borgartún 35

105 Reykjavík

Le contact

+354 510 7100