Annual Meeting Between Business Iceland and The Icelandic Bilateral Chambers of Commerce

On 8 January, Business Iceland hosted board members from the 15 Icelandic Bilateral Chambers of Commerce (Millilandaráðin) for an engaging presentation at their offices in Gróska, Reykjavík.

Pétur Þ. Óskarsson, CEO of Business Iceland, opened the session by introducing the organisation, its structure, and financial framework. He also reflected on Business Iceland’s key achievements in 2024 and outlined their vision for promoting Iceland in international markets in 2025.

Following this, Sigríður Dögg Guðmundsdóttir, Director of Export and Investments and Head of Energy and Green Solutions, provided an overview of the organisation's key focus areas, which include:

  • Energy and Green Solutions
  • Innovation and Technology
  • Creative Industries
  • Tourism
  • Fisheries and Food

Representatives from each sector shared insights into their major projects and events planned for 2025, sparking discussions on potential collaboration opportunities with the Bilateral Chambers.

The event concluded with a networking session, giving board members the chance to connect with Business Iceland staff and explore shared goals for the coming year.

The Iceland Bilateral Chambers of Commerce extend their gratitude to Íslandsstofa for their warm reception, as this annual meeting further strengthens the bond between Íslandsstofa and the Chambers, encouraging increased collaboration and innovation that fosters deeper connections between Iceland and international markets.


Millilandaráðin & The Bilateral Chambers

Húsi atvinnulífsins

Borgartúni 35

105 Reykjavík

Hafa samband / Contact

+354 510 7100