Baldvin Björn made an honorary member of FRÍS

At the annual meeting of the French-Icelandic Chamber of Commerce on August 29, Baldvin Björn Haraldsson was honored as an honorary member of FRÍS. Baldvin Björn served as the chairman of FRÍS from 2012 to 2023 and also chaired the Icelandic Bilateral Chambers from 2020 to 2023.

During his time in these roles, Baldvin Björn played a key part in establishing a platform that supports and facilitates international trade, not only between Iceland and France but also with other countries of the Bilateral Chambers. He was also dedicated to promoting French culture in Iceland, working tirelessly and with great determination for the benefit of FRÍS.

Baldvin Björn is a lawyer with the right to practice before the District Courts, the National Court, and the Supreme Court. He holds a master’s degree in international business from ILERI in Paris, as well as a master’s degree in international law from the Université de Nice, France, along with legal credentials in Paris.

The board of FRÍS expresses its gratitude to Baldvin Björn for his invaluable contributions and selfless dedication to the organization.

In the attached photos, you can see Baldvin Björn with the current board of FRÍS, alongside the board and both current and former executive directors of the Bilateral Chambers/FRÍS, and with his wife, Guðrún Elfa.


Chambre de Commerce Franco-Islandaise

Hús atvinnulífsins

Borgartún 35

105 Reykjavík

Le contact

+354 510 7100