BICC: Good meeting about the parliamentary elections 2024

The British-Icelandic Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with BBA//Fjeldco in London, invited its members to a morning coffee and discussion concerning the forthcoming parliamentary elections in Great Britain last week.

Three experts in British politics, Bogi Ágústsson, Halla Gunnarsdóttir, and Andrés Magnússon, provided an overview of the current political landscape.

Bogi Ágústsson offered the attendees a historical perspective on UK politics over the past decades, concluding with the recent developments following Rishi Sunak’s unexpected announcement in May of an election to be held in July.

Halla Gunnarsdóttir shared her personal experiences of British politics, drawing on her work with the British Women's Equality Party, and provided her insights into the current situation.

Andrés Magnússon, a journalist who resided in England for several years, presented his analysis of the political climate and predictions for the election results on 4th July. He also humorously discussed the future of the political parties in Great Britain and the potential leaders.

Following the presentations, the floor was opened for questions from the audience, leading to engaging discussions while the guests enjoyed light refreshments provided by BBA//Fjeldco.

More photos from the event here

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