The Polish-Icelandic chamber of commerce & The Polish Embassy in Iceland invite to an open networking event

Networking & Success stories of Icelandic companies in Poland

The Polish-Icelandic chamber of commerce (POIS) in collaboration with the Polish Embassy in Iceland invites to an open networking event and reception at the Polish Embassy to Iceland.

The event will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, the 29th May, at 5pm, in the respectable old hall of the city council.

The Polish AmbassadorMrGerard Pokruszyński, will welcome the guests.

Ársæll Harðarson, chair of POIS, and Mr. Ambassador, Fridrik Jonsson, will adress the meeting. 

Ketill Berg Magnússon  regional director of HR North Europe, Marel and Lúðvík B. Jónsson CEO, Royal Iceland, will discuss the opportunities and challenges of running operations in Poland.

POIS a trade organization and a network of companies, individuals and institutions doing business with Poland. This is a splendid opportunity for networking with people interested in trade between the countries.

The Polish Embassy is located in Þórunnartún 2, 105 Reykjavík.

Please register you attendance by clicking here.

Pólsk-íslenska viðskiptaráðið

Hús atvinnulífsins

Borgartúni 35, 5. hæð

105 Reykjavík

Hafa samband

+354 510 7100