BICC Nordic Drinks at SEB in London on April 25

Every last Thursday of the month, members and friends of the Icelandic, Norwegian, Finnish and Danish Trade Organisations in the UK gather for Nordic Drinks at an interesting and inspiring venue somewhere in central London – an added bonus to the networking.

Nordic Drinks is a great place to meet existing contacts as well new people and organisations whom you may explore and develop business relations with, so do not forget to bring your colleagues at all levels in your organisation and extend the network along.

For April’s Nordic Drinks please join us at SEB and enjoy some hospitality. Register your attendance by clicking here.


Chamber of Commerce

Hús atvinnulífsins

Borgartúni 35, 5. hæð

105 Reykjavík


Managing director:

Stella Stefánsdóttir

+354 510 7100

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