Annual General Meeting – BICC

The Annual General Meeting of the British-Icelandic Chamber of Commerce will be held Thursday, November 17th 2022 in Borgartún 35 at 12:00 -13:00.

The agenda of the meeting will be according to Art.11. 

  1. Report of the Board of Directors
  2. Election of Chairman
  3. Elections to the Board of Directors
  4. Review of the year’s finances in accordance with collected fees
  5. Presentation of the budget for the next year and decision on membership fees
  6. Amendments to the Articles of Association
  7. Other business


Chamber of Commerce

Hús atvinnulífsins

Borgartúni 35, 5. hæð

105 Reykjavík


Managing director:

Stella Stefánsdóttir

+354 510 7100