Green Hydrogen Symposium 12th of November 2021

The Senate's French - North European Interparliamentary Friendship Group & the French-Icelandic Cahmbero fo Commerce (FRIS) are co-organising a Green Hydrogen Symposium, Development and Achievements in France & Iceland.

In the presence of Icelandic and French Ministers & the Icelandic Ambassador on the 12th of November 2021 at the Palais du Luxembourg, Paris.

With the participation of France Hydrogéne. Engie, CEA-Liten, Académie des Technologies, Air Liquede, Qair, Airbus, Energy Observer, Carwatt, Landsvirkjun, Green by Iceland, HS Orka & Reykjavík Energy.

Further information here.

Chambre de Commerce Franco-Islandaise

Hús atvinnulífsins

Borgartún 35

105 Reykjavík

Le contact

+354 510 7100

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