The General Annual Meeting will be held at Grand Hotel, 25th of May at 11:00. After the meeting at 12:00 the British Icelandic Chamber of Commerce invite you to a lunch meeting on BREXIT.

Mr. Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson, minister for foreign Affairs will discuss BREXIT. Ambassador, Stefán Haukur Jóhannesson will disclose the role of the embassy and Pétur Stefánsson, Director Department for International Trade at the UK International Trade and Investment will discuss UK perspective of BREXIT.

Admission: 3.900 kr.
Lunch: Fish of the day, te/coffee

No access fee for members

Please regester to the meeting here

Agenda for the Annual General Meeting

  1. Report by the Executive Committee.

2. Annual Accounts.

3. Election of a Chairman and three Committee members.

4. Election of an Auditor.

5. Introduction of the budget for the next financial year and determination of annual fee for (1) individuals, (2) small corporations and (3) large corporations.

6. Amendments to the Statutes.

7. Any other business.

Kind regards,

The Board